Category Archive: fiber laser cutting
Many businesses outsource their fabrication projects to a laser cutting company. This can be a wise move if they don’t have the proper equipment, financial resources or trained staff to do the job themselves. But if you’re ready to purchase a machine to bring your fiber laser cutting projects in house, here are four factors to keep in mind regarding safety.
Designate or Hire a Laser Safety Officer
When your business operates a fiber laser cutting machine, certain safety regulations must be in place. Lasers are classified one through four, which determine their level of risk for harm. Class I is safer than Class IV, which can cause serious damage.
A Laser Safety Officer (LSO) is an employee that is specialized in lasers and laser safety. Their job is to ensure that lasers are used and maintained safely by either performing a necessary task or ensuring it is performed by someone else. Though the assignment of an LSO is not typically required with a Class I or II laser, businesses should consider it, as even lower classified lasers can cause damage. In some cases, an employee may be designated as the LSO and must undergo proper training, whereas other companies may hire a professional LSO.
Fiber lasers can be purchased as open or closed machines. Since fiber lasers emit a potentially harmful beam, at certain classification levels they should be enclosed to prevent a safety hazard. If your fiber laser is closed within the machine already, you won’t need to worry about this. If the laser machine is open, you may need to purchase laser curtains to create an enclosure. Anyone’s eye could catch a wayward beam as they walk past. If they aren’t wearing proper eyewear, there could be serious consequences.
Eye Protection
Protecting your eyes from the harsh ray of a laser beam and its reflection is crucial. Safety goggles are a smart choice for protecting your eyes, and some lasers even come with them. It’s best to confirm that the goggles are suitable for protection from that specific laser’s rays, and the necessary information should be etched on the goggle’s frame. In addition to protecting your eyes, it is also important to protect your skin, as lasers can burn skin too.
Fiber lasers give off gases. These gases and particulates can be harmful to the lungs, depending upon what is being cut. Many of us know to cover our eyes when using a laser, but it is also important to protect the air we’re breathing. There are certain materials that, when cut with a laser, produce noxious gases that can lead to serious health problems. One such example is PVC pipe, which releases chlorine gas when cut. Here is a full list of materials to never laser cut. Though not all materials release noxious gases, it’s important to have proper ventilation no matter your operation size.
If you’re looking to purchase a fiber laser cutting machine, Serra Laser is your source. We have 30 years of experience selling industrial lasers and can find the right machine to fit your needs. Contact us today.
An emerging technology that metal fabricators should be watching is fiber laser cutting. This high speed cutting process can help you become more productive and flexible. Whether you decide to buy a laser cutter for your own in-house work, or you outsource to a shop like Serra Laser, here are some reasons workshops and manufacturers should consider utilizing fiber lasers for their ongoing projects.
High Power, Fast Action, and Large Scale
Our recent buy, a Han’s HF 8,000 Watt Fiber Laser, is a high-speed cutting machine designed to handle a series of cutting projects seamlessly. The high power is enormous compared with the output of traditional CO2 laser cutters.
One of the key features of this machine is its large table size of 6.5 ft by 13 ft, which is rare in California. The cutter is designed for crafting high quality industrial equipment. It can drill 64 quarter inch holes in eight seconds.
Drilling multiple holes, laser etching and stitch cutting can do done in a matter of seconds. It’s an excellent tool for a high volume fabricating business that needs to meet quick deadlines. It’s convenient if you work with a manufacturer that wants to rush hundreds or thousands of units to market for a new product release.
This machine has the potential to take the place of multiple assembly line workers for companies, helping manufactures cut costs. Cutting production costs has a ripple effect throughout the entire supply chain, helping you to improve efficiency and deliver on a deadline.
Cutting Multiple Designs
The automated arm of the laser cutter is able to drill a series of holes on metal using ping pong movement, based on a design programmed by the operator. The arrangement of these holes can vary from being inches apart to a grid pattern of many holes close together. The cutter can also cut a customized variety of shapes such as arrows, making it useful if you work with a broad range of clients.
The machine can complete complex multi-task assignments, making it a powerful resource for increasing productivity while lowering costs. Industrial manufacturers – particularly in the automotive and aerospace industries – along with the military will find the fiber laser useful. It’s also an effective tool for developing auto parts such as engines and metal casings.
Watch the Han’s HF 8,000 Watt Fiber Laser at Work
Other Advantages
Fiber laser cutting opens the door to fabricators who specialize in high volume and high quality metal cutting to improve their operations. Another economic advantage to a fiber laser is that it has no moving parts, reducing maintenance costs. Its high electrical efficiency also saves money, since it requires less energy than a conventional CO2 laser cutter.
Using fiber laser cutting equipment can help you meet deadlines quicker without sacrificing accuracy. Contact us at Serra Laser to learn more about the cutting technology most appropriate for your needs.
The two most commonly used lasers in metal fabrication are fiber lasers and CO2 lasers. Here at Serra Laser, we have a wide range of lasers to accommodate any project, large or small, and we always utilize state-of-the-art technology to ensure that your job is done right. That’s why we have both fiber and CO2 lasers in our shop. Here’s a brief guide to understanding the difference between the two.
CO2 Lasers
CO2 lasers have been on the market longer, but that doesn’t meant that they’re an outdated piece of technology. In fact, CO2 lasers are constantly developing in order to increase precision, efficiency, and quality of finish. For fabricators utilizing thick sheets of metal, CO2 lasers are still the most effective and efficient approach to cutting. CO2 lasers create cuts significantly faster when cutting sheets over 2mm thick in a straight line. In our facility, we deal with materials as thick as 1 inch, which often call for a CO2 laser’s superior cutting time and power. CO2 lasers also provide a better finish and cleaner edge when working with thicker materials.
Fiber Lasers
Fiber lasers channel and amplify light using fiber optic cables. Light is then focused using a lens, which focuses this powerful beam onto the material that needs to be cut.
Fiber lasers are a newer technology, and as such have some impressive improvements over former options. For example, using the amplification method specified above, fiber lasers are usually more energy efficient, using as little as a third of the energy needed for CO2 lasers. Fiber lasers are also easier to maintain, eliminating the need for mirror cleanings, beam alignments, bellows checks, and other precautions that are necessitated with each use of CO2 lasers. Fiber lasers are also great for use on reflective materials like aluminum, brass, and copper as the beam is more easily absorbed and less likely to reflect.
Both Laser Options Create Beautiful, Consistent Results
Whether your project is better executed utilizing a CO2 or fiber laser, here at Serra Laser, we have the capabilities to adapt. We utilize the most cutting-edge technology to ensure that you get the results you need. At our facility, we’re able to work on bulk batches with a quick turnaround time and perfectly consistent end results. Our laser cutting services work with any material, from steel, brass, and titanium, to acrylic and wood.
Contact us to learn more about our facility and capabilities, or request an instant quote today.